Duck hunt

2008-12-21.Site was created. rare items and cheats allready in.If i found more i will put'em.
2008-12-21.Added Guestbook and Stats for your hero.

2008-12-21.New rare spear-Lion's talon was found by...Me! Maybe there is 4th rare weapons for aramor and ronin too?
2008-12-21.Found new armor-Crimson armor. best armor for aramor.
2008-12-21.Added full mixtures list.
2009-02-28. Added debug version.
2009-05-03. I worked with heroes lore files and found many new rare items in file ,see them at rare items section.
2009-05-03. I created debug version in ENGLISH!
2009-05-03. Found secret orb at file
2009-12-5. updated site design+added some rare items stats.
2009-12-06. added monsers section